Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tricky steploop in screen painter (SE51)

Recently, we have a problem in our standard transaction regarding the pop up dialog being shown. The dialog is originally created by SAP called POPUP_TO_DECIDE_LIST. The dialog shows only 25 radio buttons that when displayed, it is exactly as tall as the monitor screen.

One of the business requirements is to enhance the dialog to be able to show at least 200 rows or all the records in the master table of credit cards as this is related to a credit card transactions. We have contacted SAP and they tell us that this was already addressed by OSS note 1108382. Meaning, there is no need for us to do coding anymore as we just only need to apply the OSS note. But, there is a problem as we've
discovered after applying it using tcode sNote that it is only applicable for SAP BASIS version 7and we have only version 46c or lower. So, SAP expert told us that we can opt for a work around, by supplying a key, for us to be able to edit the said FM. So, below were the steps that I want to share with you on how we able to do it:



1. Go to SE51 (screen painter)

Type the program name and the screen number to edit. SAPLSPO5 and 0101 for example then change

2. Go to attributes tab and change the mainten. edit field to 200. This will increase the length of dialog screen.

3. Then click the layout button above.

4. While on the layout screen, click edit/change then highlight all the group with radio button and text box then change the height to 196. This can be found at the upper right corner after highlighting.

5. Make sure to turn off the ASSISTANT in edit->modification operation->switch off assistant before changing the step loop to variable or fix.

6. Change your step loop to fix when you want to show the dialog with a scroll bar and variable if you want your dialog can be adjusted. They can be found in edit->grouping-steploop->define/fix/variable/dissolve.

That's all! Hope you find this interesting and useful!! Please don't forget to like us and follow us. Thank you!


Unknown said...

how to process the pob && pin ? to be a sure of what saying and variable to assign the variable?

Unknown said...


Could you please give me the step number above that you found confusing and if you can elaborate further your question I think that would help us solve your problem.


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