Thursday, July 07, 2011

Change pointer in IDOC (when data was changed)

Change pointer is the process in SAP IDOC triggered every time there are changes on master tables for both fields and records. Thus, for example you add or edit any information with your customer information and once change pointer program has been triggered, then that is also the time it will be populated and will create an IDOC. Change pointer can also be setup in a customized IDOC or message type.

Change pointer is similar to document change that is updated in tables CDPOS and CDHDR, while CP is in BDCPS and BDCP.

Usually, standard master tables have already designed by SAP to have their own configured change pointers or IDOC/EDI/ALE related setup. So, if you are planning to create a customized IDOC, you need to consider various configurations and setup in order for your change pointer and IDOC to work properly in SAP.

Below are the list of  tcodes for change pointer setup:

1. SM59 (Create RFC Destination)
2. WE21 (Create TRFC Port)
3. WE81 (Create IDOC Basic type if required)
4. WE31 (Create segment if required)
5. WE30 (Create Basic Type, If required)
6. WE82 (Attach Basic type with Message type, if required)
7. SCDO (Create change document if required)
8. BD50 (Activate Change Pointers for the Message type,IF required)
9. BD52 (Create Change Document Items for message type,IF required)
10. BD60 (Attach FM,Basic type and Message type,IF required)
11. BD61 (Activate Change pointers globally)
12. WE20 (Create Partner Profiles , specify the receiver logical system)->In the Outbound Parameters , specify the message type, basic type, port information…)
13. BD64 (Create model view) - This is where IDOC filter setup is done (BD56 for segment filtering)
14. BD21 (To Create the idocs) or run program RBDMIDOC.

1 comment:

Adithya e-Learning said...

It’s really great information for becoming a better Blogger. Keep sharing, Thanks. For more details to visit SAP IDOC Online Training

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