Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How to apply OSS NOTES

OSS NOTES are sap fixes or patches programs or configurations to your SAP system in order to fix or to update something relevant to your specific problem or application functions.

Today we will walk through you to tcode snote to apply the oss note.  SNOTE tcode is used to apply oss notes as well as viewing the status of the OSS notes if has already been applied or not or any status determination.

NOTE: You can visit http://service.sap.com to check the oss notes details by entering your sap service username and password. Look for SAP Support Portal then Help & Support and Search for SAP Notes to search for the OSS NOTES or depending on your criteria.

Below are the steps.

1.     First you need to check the OSS note that if it does have any prerequisites or dependencies, read the note carefully, the things which you need are given below:

a.)  What is this note all about?
b.)  What are the effects of the note?

2.     How to apply SAP Notes:

a.)  Go to the system where you need to apply the sap note, as shown below:

b.) Now go to Tcode - /SNOTE and click on the download sap note, as shown in screen shot below:

c.)  Put the sap note no. in the box and click on execute as shown below, the note will be downloaded now and you can see in under new category:

 d.)  Now if the note is obsolete, and can not be applied it will grayed up (gray diamond) as shown in screen shot given below, in this case please notify the requester that note can not be applied.

OR you may refer to this link on how to use SNOTE tcode.

One more thing, to download OSS NOTE via tcode SNOTE, just go to GOTO->Download SAP NOTE

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